Sunday, April 5, 2009


Ah, again I have been lazy about updating..nothing much to say really! I've been doing alot of patternmaking recently, I'm going to be making a top-half of it (shoulders and bust) is going to be a red taffeta bow and the bottom will be red taffeta as well but with a ruffled lace overlay :D and I'll also be making a skirt, with satin pleats down the back, it's alot trickier to make though then I first realised! Then on wednesday I'll have design where I'll be doing the final garment illustrations and spec sheets and then my holidays begin! Good stuff.
I recently bought X men 1 & 2 (mmm wolverine) and a close friends brother is being deployed to Afghanistan in a week!

Hope you are all doing well, and I leave you with a few of my ink drawings from last year, why not.


Belowen said...

Such lovely drawings Sammy, you're so talented!

Cate said...

agree! you have so much talent, I would love to see more of your work <3